Will you read?

When I barge into English on early mornings, he’s usually sitting behind his desk, busy with papers that need to be read with scrutiny. I’m not a big talker so the first thing I say is, “hey, could you read this?” And he always does.
I look for signs of approval on his face. I look for a smile or a simple nod. I just need one sign, a sign that will tell me I wrote well, or that I did a good job. I need approval; I need to regain my confidence. If people don’t remind me that I can write, I find myself in doubt. Then I begin digging and searching for some sort of compliment.
We all want to belong. Maybe you want to belong to a club or an organization. Maybe you want to belong to a sisterhood or a sports team. No matter where it is, we all want to be accepted somewhere, don’t we?
I want to be accepted by other writers. I want to be accepted by a reader who won’t be bored by what he reads.
What’s going to make him want to read the words I write? What’s going to make him care for what I feel, how I live my life, how I see things, what I hate or what I like? What’s going to make him re-read the sentence he just read a second ago?
I fear everyday that I don’t write. I fear and I want to scream and I want to close my eyes and…
I leave English class, smiling inside. But I’ll be coming back, soon…

0 Comments, RSS

  1. Just don’t forget your most important critic…the mirror. When you’re able to pick out your own mistakes and fix them, you’ll be close to being a writer.
    I know everything I write sucks in all respects, anectdotal, grammar, sometimes spelling and often in fact, but some people smile because of it. I smile outwardly because they are and so should you! Now I have to explain to my grandma how I forgot her birthday…not a good end to the day even though she’ll make me smile after I apologize with no good excuse other than I had other things on my mind…oops…laughing at King of Queens…

  2. senthan

    Hello Bluebird,
    I am Senthan, working as a Journalist in Sri Lanka. I first came across your blog in January 2004. During that time I was searching Iranian blogs for writing an article on Iranian Blogs.
    In deed, I am very much impressed by your writings. It is true that I don’t regularly log into your blog. But, whenever I get time or whenever my mind recalls your blog I log into. It is your awesome writing that makes me to do so. I enjoy it very much. You have developed yourself excellence in creative writing. There is no doubt that you are a well accepted and extra ordinary young writer showing talent beyond the expectation. Wish you all the bests.

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