The heart that beats

To be alive, we need love, sex, food, you know, the basic needs of survival. To live, we need a beating heart. We need that heart to beat so we can walk, run, dance, think, write, imagine, speak, decide, believe, choose, operate, cure, provide, secure, love, feel…
We take our beating hearts for granted. We take all we have for granted because we don’t know any better. Because we haven’t felt what a life without a working heart means. Because we never got the cancer that the woman on TV got. Because we never had to face death.
Just think. This heart is beating, we’re breathing, we’re living, we’re moving. If this heart were to stop beating, there’d only be a corpse, a dead body, a nameless skeleton…
We are greedy. We are insatiable. We want more than a beating heart, a good leg, a strong pulse, a smart brain. We want to be loved, that is the heart we seek, the heart that can love, the heart that speaks the language of…love.

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