The price of desires

The waiter brings our coffees and cream; the coffees are cold but we are not in the mood to complain. We are not in the mood to discuss pointless matters.
I take a sip, disregarding how bitter and cold it is, and reveal that I made a mistake by choosing to stay in Virginia. I admit that I would have preferred New York, but that’s hardly a revelation. I admit that I would have preferred the city and its temptations. I would have wanted New York over the empty roads here in Virginia, the roads that always come to a dead-end and leave me without options, without choices, without possibilities to explore…
But I was scared. I was not ready. I was more afraid of getting lost in the big city and being alone than a temporary dissatisfaction here in this beautiful yet stagnant town…
I push the coffee aside and stare into a night empty of stars…
But you have to pay a price for what you choose, for what you want. Everything is worth something. Your dreams cost hard work, determination, sacrifice, time. Sometimes a dollar bill is not the only cost that comes with what you want. Sometimes what you want is only worth one try, one risk, one sleepless night.
I leave the money on the table where my unfinished cup of coffee sits still. That’s the only price I’ve paid tonight…

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