A bittersweet goodbye

Our high school career is coming to an end and we are still trying to grasp the idea. For some, these last days of high school will be the last time they ever sit in a classroom.
We are like a small family who now has to part and go in different directions. Some of us will decide to keep in touch with the rest of the members. Others of us will simply move on and meet another in-group, or a group they feel they belong to.
Everything we do will be for the last time. We will have the last test, the last homework assignment, the last project, the last dance. What do these “lasts” and goodbyes mean? What are we really saying good-bye to?
I’m saying good-bye to four years of bittersweet memories. I’m saying good-bye to the English classes that were almost always my favorite and the acquaintances I made in them. I’m saying good-bye to after school clubs and plays in the Auditorium. I’m saying good-bye to four priceless years that I will never get back.
My friends and I have reached a certain level of maturity that enables us to look back to the time when we were a group of naïve freshmen students. Those days, we felt trapped and wanted to get out to the real world. Now, we sit here and we know how corrupted, unsafe and cruel that world is. We know that being late won’t cost us a detention, but rather a meeting with the boss who’ll say “you’re fired”. We know and we’re not afraid to admit it.
Our high school career is coming to an end and we are still trying to grasp the idea that we’ll no longer be high school students.

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  1. One of the best friendships I currently enjoy is with a guy from HS. We weren’t particularly close to one another but were good friends, more through our closer friendship with a different guy. He died a few years ago and via my finding about it, we ended up getting together again. The candor we enjoy with one another is kind of amazing and I’m not really sure whether it’s because we knew one another way back when or whether we’ve grown up that much. I like it, regardless.

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