A warm greeting

New York City never ceases to greet me with a warm welcome…a welcome that always makes me want to go back and say another hello and maybe one without a goodbye.
Every time I go to NYC, I can’t stop thinking what life there could be like for me… Although most people think it’s hard to live in a place like New York, I don’t think I’d mind having a little excitement in my life…New York City has so much energy and power that it doesn’t even let me think of its problems…
If you love something, I think you should go for it…so I think I’ll listen to my heart and if everything works out I’ll give it a try…But for me, no matter where in America I am, the freedom that I have is more precious and more important and more valuable than anything else…so what if all I have is a suburban life, so what if all I have is an urban life, what matters to me is that I have the freedom to live and be happy, something that so many people are searching for and are struggling to achieve…
As always, I had a wonderful time in New York. The city was still amazing and it was still telling met to stay. A part of me was sad to say goodbye, as if somehow I knew I may belong there one day…is it belonging or is it just the excitement and adventure that I’m waiting to get? I don’t really know…So once again I was lost in thoughts as I took a last glance at the large towers above me and at the busy streets…there was a big question mark in my mind…

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