Growing Up

USA Today is an amazing place. It’s where everything happens, the news you see on television happens right in front of you. Our journalism staff got to visit it today, including me. I can’t explain the rush of excitement I felt as I walked around. Looking at reporters’ desks that were piled up with paper and their computers ready for their stories made me want to sit and start working right away. I’ve had the dream of being a journalist for a long time. It just sounds like such an exciting and thrilling job. I feel like I’ve accomplished something just by knowing what I want to be. It’s scary being out in the real world. You don’t get that feeling in school. In school you feel trapped, powerless and weak. I’ve always been scared of growing up, but I’m growing up everyday anyway. It’s a step-by-step process, like when a child first learns to crawl, stand, walk, and then run. It will be a difficult journey, but it’ll be worth it and that’s all that matters right now.

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