Walking Down Memory Lane

Some days it’s hard not to notice the emptiness of our house. My room is filled with pictures and memories, this way I never feel alone. But inside I feel really alone sometimes. The memories of Iran and my childhood, and all the other things that are just pieces of memory for me. I remember some things vividly as though they happened yesterday. Other things, I remember vaguely; sometimes I wish I could go back, re-visit the memory, and keep it locked in my head so I won’t forget it. No matter how happy I am here, how optimistic, how jolly, my heart aches when I think of those who still suffer across the ocean, where my heart belongs… I am such a fool, thinking I can just change the world, push the ocean away, and bring my people some peace …
I am such a fool, thinking I can just change the world, push the ocean away, and bring my people some peace… I am such a fool to think that it is possible to erase the inhumanity that our world is filled with. But I am not a fool to think that there is something we can all do, together, there has to be a way… My room is a gallery of all my life, all the people who gave me their unconditional love, their support, their smile, and their encouragement… I am not alone, though I feel empty within… I have a world of opportunities and I have people who will support me for the rest of my life. I wish things could be easy, life and all. Somewhere in the back of my mind I see those happy days that fled from me so fast, the days when I thought the world was beautiful and no one ever did any harm to anyone else, I was just a child, and those days were beautiful…I hope one day our world could be beautiful again …

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