Another year of new beginnings

A new year is arriving once again. We’ve all been through so much. We’ve been through a long war, dozens of earthquakes and hurricanes, birthdays (I turned 17 by the way), elections, re-elections, weddings, deaths, births, and so on…
But here is the thing, we have another chance, another year to make things right. Well of course not everything will go right, things don’t always go right, but we can try… maybe for a start we won’t start another war across the sea, lets hope not…
I don’t know… I’m just suddenly so excited you know… I think this will be a great year, so welcome 2005. And the year after that I will graduate! Finally break free from all this high school nonsense; actually it wasn’t all nonsense, some of it surprisingly made sense…
Anyway, I am a new person, I am 17, I am excited, and well… I just want to go for it…so we all might as well go for it… Happy new year everyone and don’t forget to smile… Life is just a game, just a funny game…

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