Sweet Sixteen

I turned sixteen today. I can’t believe it. I am truly happy. Very happy. This is the best day. I feel great. I wish everyday could be my birthday.

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  1. Happy birthday!
    One day you will wish time would stop. Live every minute of your life, don’t let it pass by faster than it is supposed to.
    Best wishes

  2. Happy Birthday!
    Thank you for making me think about things in a manner different than I normally do. I’ve really enjoyed your blog over the past few months and appreciate the insight into Iran that you’ve provided.
    I’m really glad you had a birthday that makes you wish every day could be the same…and hopefully you’ll be singing the same tune when you’re my age. Smile for me…I am for you!

  3. Happy Birthday and well wishes. Share some cake with your friends and family and enjoy your year. If you live in the US you can start driving now. So don’t hit any old ladies!

  4. feri

    Love you my sister, happy birthday, I hope that never see you sad and weak, be as always your self and ready to change.

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