Mom, I love you

Mom, I love you
because you give
me strength and
you make me
Mom, I love you
because you give
me a reason to
smile and look
for tomorrow.
Mom, what would
I do without your
arms embracing
How would I go on
without you telling
me to believe me
in myself?
Mom, I need you
always. I need your
smile and your sweet
words to keep me alive.
Mom, I love you.
I was born on
December 16th.
I’ve lived two very
different lives. I love
life because it is full
of greatness. If I believe
it is beautiful, it is beautiful.
I’ve made mistakes, just
like anyone else.
I’ve lost myself before, just
like anyone else would.
I’ve learned to love.
I’ve learned to respect.
I’ve learned that freedom
is something special. I’ve
learned that it’s okay to
make mistakes and it is okay
to be wrong.
I don’t like war.
I don’t like hatred.
I don’t like it when
people judge me by
my quietness. I don’t
like it when they don’t
pronounce my name right.
I don’t like the fact that there
is still discrimination and hate.
I don’t like inhumanity.
I’m still learning.
I’m still waiting
to find answers.
I’m still trying to
understand myself.
I’m trying to be me.
I’m trying to figure
out what my life is
supposed to mean.

0 Comments, RSS

  1. hairofthedawg

    Beautiful! With regard to the last line of the second poem…IMHO, that’s a question you’ll be asking that the rest of your life. At least for me it is. I’m single, without children and perhaps that’s why I feel the way I do. Speaking as an animal, which, in reality, humans are, that should be the reason for life so in that respect I’ve failed so far, but I’ve got a lot of life left so who knows?

  2. Dolli

    These are such beautiful poems. I will soon be celebrating the 20th anniversary of my 16th birthday, but I still remember being 16 very well. Enjoy! But as I can see from your poetry, you do know how to find the joy in life. How rare to be so insightful at such a young age – it must be your many experiences. Thank you for not keeping your talent just to yourself, but sharing it. I, for one, have been lifted by your thoughts.
    Thank you,

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