Time Elapses

When I was leaving Iran I realized how fast the minutes vanished. One minute I was in my house, talking to them for the last time, laughing, and crying. The next minute I was flying.
Is life always like this? Has it been in such fast speed all along or was it just me who didn’t realize? Everything is in fast speed and ends quick.
I am planning to go see the world. I want to go to Mecca, Egypt, China, Japan, evey single country. I want to live long. I always wonder what happens after this life. Is there reincarnation?
In Iran they say they will go to heaven because they are already in hell.
I also wonder who I would have been if I never lived in Iran. Would I have known what freedom is? Would I have cared about the world?

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  1. Rex-Pat

    You are simply discovering the pain of growing up. Time flies even faster when you have children of your own. You find yourself afraid to blink, they grow so fast.
    You are obviously passing from childhood into becoming a young woman, and part of the pain I read on your weblog is the pain of a young woman saying goodbye to her childhood. But you are also experiencing what I refer to as cultural vertigo.
    Thank you for writing. You seem like a lovely young lady, and your insights give me hope for the future.

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